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Brustasymmetrie München

Wann liegt eine Brustasymmetrie vor?

Die weibliche Brust ist von Natur aus nie vollkommen symmetrisch. Es gibt immer leichte Größen- und/oder Formunterschiede zwischen beiden Brüsten, die vielfach aber nur bei genauem Hinsehen erkennbar sind.

Problematisch kann eine Brustasymmetrie dann werden, wenn diese deutlich ausgeprägt ist und die Patientin stark unter der Situation leidet. Ab einem gewissen Grad, wird die Asymmetrie der Brüste zu den Brustanomalien gezählt.

Welche Ursachen können einer Brustasymmetrie zugrunde liegen

Welche Ursachen können einer Brustasymmetrie zugrunde liegen?

Was sind die möglichen Gründe für eine Brustasymmetrie?

  • Vielfach ist die genetische Veranlagung verantwortlich für die Entstehung einer Brustasymmetrie
  • In der Pubertät kann es zu hormonellen Schwankungen kommen, die zu einem ungleichmäßigen Brustwachstum führen
  • Auch Erkrankungen können zu Brustdeformitäten und Brustasymmetrien führen
  • wiederholte, starke Gewichtszunahmen und -abnahmen können dazu führen, dass eine Brust kleiner ist als die andere
  • zuletzt sind Anlagestörungen, wie das Poland-Syndrom (Amazonen-Syndrom), als Ursache für Brustasymmetrien nennen

Was ist das Poland Syndrom?

Beim Poland-Syndrom handelt es sich um eine Fehlbildung der Brustwand. Neben anderen Symptomen ist das Poland-Syndrom dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der große Brustmuskel einseitig unterentwickelt ist oder ganz fehlt. Hierdurch entsteht eine deutlich sichtbare Brustasymmetrie. Beim Poland-Syndrom kann es auch zum Fehlen oder zu Fehlbildungen von Brustdrüse und Brustwarze kommen.

Können Brustasymmetrien korrigiert werden?

In allen Fällen von Brustasymmetrie kann eine Brustkorrektur Abhilfe schaffen. Entweder wird die zu kleine Brust durch Eigenfett oder durch das Einsetzen eines Implantats vergrößert oder eine zu große Brust wird durch eine Verkleinerung angepasst. In Kombination dazu kann auch eine Bruststraffung erforderlich werden, um ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Sie möchten sich unverbindlich über das Thema Brustkorrektur bei Brustasymmetrie informieren? Machen Sie einfach einen Termin in unserer privaten Praxis in München. In einem ausführlichen Beratungsgespräch kann Herr Dr. med. Raab Ihnen die Möglichkeiten der plastisch-ästhetischen Brust-Chirurgie erläutern und auf Ihre persönlichen Wünsche eingehen.

Vereinbaren Sie gerne einen Termin unter 089 – 24 40 12 97 (Mo – Di von 9.00 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr und Mi + Fr nach Vereinbarung) oder treten Sie per E-Mail an mit uns in Kontakt.

Brustkorrektur München

Brustkorrektur München – ästhetische Brustformung

Immer häufiger kommen Patientinnen in unsere Praxis die eine Korrektur der Brustform oder Brustwarzen wünschen. In diesen Fällen sprechen wir deswegen auch von einer ästhetischen Brustformung.

Brustanomalien erkennen und behandeln

Für wen ist eine Brustkorrektur sinnvoll?

Frauen, die seit ihrer Pubertät an einer Brustasymmetrie, einer Brustdeformation, einer tubulären Brust oder Anomalien der Brustwarzen leiden, wünschen sich vielfach eine Verbesserung ihrer Situation. Viele dieser Frauen fühlen sich in ihrem Leben eingeschränkt, tragen keine enge Kleidung mehr und meiden Hallen- und Freibäder, denn spätestens im Bikini lässt sich die Fehlbildung ihrer Brust nicht mehr verbergen.

Schweregrade bei tubulärer Brust, Wie entsteht eine tubuläre Brust?


Breast augmentation Dubai

Breast augmentation Dubai

With aesthetic surgery to the beautiful breast

Not every woman is satisfied with her natural breast. Too small, malformed or irregularly shaped breasts can significantly affect the life and well-being of a woman. In such cases, breast shaping, even in combination with a breast lift, can lead to more self-acceptance and self-esteem. Breast forming helps you to get the ideal breasts shaped to your personal wishes and needs.

Breast augmentation - surgery - shaping - Dubai

Breast shaping Dubai – different ways to perfect breast

As individual as the women are also the different methods of breast shaping. Which method is the right one for you, we develop together with you in our practice in Munich in advance of your planned breast shaping. Our senior physician will examine you in detail and advise you comprehensively on the appropriate breast implants and surgical methods. Alternatively breast shaping with own fat instead of silicone can be the right choice for you.

Breast surgery Dubai – as individual as you are

Not only the weight and type of breast implants make the difference. Also the feel, the sizes and shapes can vary. Individuality is also very important in the topic of breast shaping. Is a drop-shaped, natural-looking or a round, symmetrical breast implant more suitable for you? Only an experienced specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery can advise you comprehensively and help you to have a well-formed and suitable breast

Breast augmentation Dubai – do not hesitate and contact Dr. med. Raab. He advises you intensely on your individual options during his breast consultations in Dubai.

Call us: +49 (0) 89 / 24 40 12 97 or make an appointment

Plastic surgery Dubai

Plastic surgery Dubai

Natural looking beauty through surgical procedures and aftercare patient treatments

You want to be completely satisfied with your appearance again? Then you can count on the aesthetic practise of Dr. med. Raab. Our perfectly well-coordinated team looks after you competently and personally – from your first call in our esthetics practice to comprehensive care after your treatment.

Plastic surgery Dubai – your personality is central to us

Beauty is diverse and individual. Each of us has our own personal beauty. Thanks to the many possibilities of plastic and aesthetic surgery, you can improve your individual attractiveness and your well-being. With all our knowledge, our ability and our experience, we work each day to get closer to your ideas and to let you feel comfortable.

A central advantage for your beauty – the experience of the surgeon

Dr. Raab has extensive surgical experience through operations in Munich, Middle East and St. Petersburg, and plans to expand his treatments in other cities in the Middle East, including Dubai. The specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery always advises his patients from all over the world personally.

Plastic surgery Dubai – some of our highly specialized beauty treatments for our patients from Dubai

  • breast aesthetics
  • breast augmentation
  • breast reduction
  • breast lift
  • breast augmentation with B-Lite
  • breast augmentation with implants
  • breast augmentation with autologous fat
  • facelift
  • one stitch facelift
  • eyelid correction
  • upper eyelid correction
  • wrinkle treatment
  • liposuction
  • tummy tuck
  • botox
  • wrinkle injections
  • intimate surgery

Do not hesitate and contact me. I advise you intensely on your individual options during my consultations in Dubai.

Call us: +49 (0) 89 / 24 40 12 97 or make an appointment

Breast augmentation Bahrain

Breast augmentation Bahrain

The female breast is the typical and visible feature of femininity.
At all times and in all cultures, the female breast occupies a special position. The breast is associated with the appearance of the woman and deserves – consciously or negligibly – with an ideal of beauty and harmony.

Therefore, it is only understandable that many women express the desire to correct the shape and size of their breasts.

Breast augmentation Bahrain

Breast augmentation Bahrain – Modern aesthetic plastic surgery opens up the possibilities.

Enlargement of the female breast is usually done with implants. These are in most cases filled with a silicone gel that is very similar in its consistency to the natural breast. The shell is also made of silicone. It is very stable and can not leak or burst with brand implants without strong force.

Breast augmentation Bahrain – consultations by Dr. med. Raab

Dr. med. Nikolaus Raab leads the internationally oriented aesthetic practice in the center of Munich. Dr. Raab has extensive surgical experience from breast operations in Munich, Bahrain and St. Petersburg, and plans to expand his treatments in other cities in the Middle East. The specialist in breast augmentation always advises his patients from all over the world personally.

Dr. Raab: My job is to fulfill your wishes in my private practice for cosmetic surgery in Munich. Cosmetic Surgery offers many treatments that can enhance the contours and proportions of your body. Common cosmetic surgeries include breast augmentation with implants or autologous fat, liposuction or eyelid tightening and wrinkle treatment with Botox or hyaluronic acid.

Do not hesitate and contact me. I advise you intensely on your individual options during my consultations in Bahrain and other major cities in the Middle East.

Call us: +49 (0) 89 / 24 40 12 97 or make an appointment

Plastic Surgery Bahrain & Dubai

Plastic Surgery Bahrain – Dubai – Consultations by Dr. med. Raab

Breast augmentation consultations in Bahrain & Dubai

Dr. med. Raab advises patients from Bahrain and Dubai intensively on site in Bahrain and Dubai about their options for breast augmentation. The wishes of the patients are for Dr. med. Raab central starting point in the preliminary discussion and planning of each breast intervention.

Plastic Surgery Bahrain - Dubai - Consultations by Dr. med. Raab

Dr. Raab – plastic and aesthetic surgeon with broad international expertise

Dr. med. Raab is plastic and aesthetic surgeon and international expert in the field of breast augmentation. Dr. med. Raab performs breast augmentation with silicone, with B-Lite light implants and with autologous fat.
The world leader is Dr. med. Raab when using B-Lite light implants. These breast implants are characterized by their reduced weight by about 30% compared to conventional implants and offer the patients a variety of design options.
With numerous esthetic breast surgeries at sites in Munich, St. Petersburg and the Middle East, Dr. med. Raab has a proven international expertise and the experience of high OP standards in different cultures.

Breast augmentation and aftercare in Munich / Germany with high surgical standards

The actual breast surgery takes place in renowned clinics, with very high hygiene standards, in Munich / Germany.
After the actual breast surgery an extensive aftercare and care with massages, lymphatic drainage and personal coaching takes place according to the Holistic concept of Dr. med. Raab.

If you are interested in a personal consultation with Dr. med. Raab please contact his practice in Munich. Dr. Raab will discuss your questions in detail with you and show you your individual options for breast augmentation and individual follow-up and care.

Call us: +49 (0) 89 / 24 40 12 97 or make an appointment

Team Praxis Dr. Raab

  • Dr. med. Nikoluas Raab - Plastische Chirurgie München

    Dr. Raab

  • Schönheitschirurgie München - Cosabic Ena

    Cosabic Ena

  • Ästhetische Chirurgie München - Teresa Stahlhofer

    Teresa Stahlhofer


  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustvergrößerung München

    Praxis Dr. Raab

  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustkorrekturen München

    Praxis Dr. Raab

  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustästhetik München

    Praxis Dr. Raab


  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustvergrößerung mit B-Lite

Vaser Lipo | Hi Def

  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Vaser Lipo | Hi Def


  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustvergrößerung München

    Praxis Dr. Raab

  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustkorrekturen München

    Praxis Dr. Raab

  • Praxis Dr. Raab - Brustästhetik München

    Praxis Dr. Raab