Publications and teaching activity
Toxic epidermal necrolysis – An increasing challenge for burn-injury centers
on the occasion of the 23rd Annual Convention of the German-speaking Joint Venture for Burns Treatment Damuels 2005
The role of the free microvascular inguinal folds in reconstructive micro-surgery
Annual Convention of the German-speaking Joint Venture for Microsurgery, Innsbruck 2008
Cosmetic scar correction through the employment of free inguinal plastic
Stuttgart DGPRAEC 2009
What’s new in surgery 2005 (Thieme)
Book contribution on the subject of burn-injury medicine
Vacuum therapy, current status of basic research,
Holle G, K Riedel, H Gregory v, Gazyakan E, Raab N, Germann G
Accident surgeon 2007; 110:490-504
Clinic for manual, plastic and reconstructive surgery,
Severe burn-injuries center, clinic for plastic and
hand surgery at Heidelberg University, Ludwigshafen
The employment of the balloon disector in expander surgery:
Ten years experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery
Oestreich K, Flügel A, Raab N, Germann G, Jester A
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2006; 38: 240-245
Clinic for manual, plastic and reconstructive surgery,
Severe burn-injuries center, clinic for plastic and
manual surgery at Heidelberg University, Ludwigshafen
Inter-individual variability of the SIEA Angiosome: effects of operative strategies in breast reconstruction
Raab N, Holm C, Mayr, Ninkovic M
Plastic Reconstr Surg. 2008 Dec; 122(6)1612-20
Free superficial inferior epigastric artery flap for aesthetic correction of mild pectus excavatum